about me

I am Prem Udeshi. I currenly a student at the University of Central Florida, taking a major in Computer Engineering.

I was born in India, but have never lived in India. I was raised in Tanzania, the lands hosting Serengeti. I would often pickup my dad’s Nikon Coolpix camera and take pictures of wild animals while on safari, feeling like a professional when showing my parents my photos.

My school in Tanzania was an international school filled with opportunities. One of the requirements in highschool was to participate in a Community Service club for at least a semester. Being technically inclined, I decided to join the school tech team in a last minute decision.

Tech Team is a student run organisation that deals with Technology related services for the school community. For every event happening at school, Tech Team would be there to organise lights, sound, event photography, pre-production and post-production, advertising and if required, even running livestreams.

I became addicted to technology and often times would stay way past school timem to prepare for upcoming events prefectly so that there would not be any hiccups. Within a year I was promoted and became the leader of the Tech Team.

From TEDx to School Sporting Tournaments and even graduations, we quickly built the reputation as a professional and high calibre tech team. We trained younger students and had a strong lineup of students from grades 6 to 12. Being a leader and president for Tech Team really introduced me to the world of media and entertainment as well as event planning and crisis management.

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